CAM in Commercial Real Estate

If you’re involved in the world of commercial real estate, you’ve probably come across the term “CAM.” What is CAM in commercial real estate, and why is it so crucial to understand? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into Common Area Maintenance (CAM) and provide you with valuable insights, expert knowledge, and answers to common questions about this essential concept.

What is CAM in Commercial Real Estate?

CAM, short for “Common Area Maintenance,” refers to the costs associated with maintaining and operating common areas in a commercial property. These common areas include hallways, restrooms, parking lots, landscaping, and more. CAM charges are the expenses shared by tenants to ensure the property’s upkeep.

Understanding CAM Charges

CAM charges are a common practice in commercial leases. They are essential for the proper functioning of a shared commercial property. To give you a more in-depth understanding, let’s break down the key components of CAM charges:

1. Maintenance Costs

Maintenance costs encompass routine upkeep, repairs, and cleaning of common areas. This includes tasks like janitorial services, HVAC maintenance, and landscaping.

2. Operating Expenses

Operating expenses include the day-to-day costs of running and managing the property. It covers items like property management fees, security services, and utilities.

3. Property Taxes

CAM charges may also include a portion of property taxes and commercial sales tax. This can vary depending on the lease agreement, state and county in which the property is located.

4. Insurance Premiums

Depending on the lease, insurance costs for the property can be part of CAM charges. This may include general liability insurance and property insurance.

5. Capital Expenditures

In some cases, CAM charges may include contributions to a reserve fund for future capital expenditures, such as roof replacement or parking lot resurfacing.


What is the purpose of CAM charges?

CAM charges are essential for maintaining shared areas within a commercial property. They ensure that these spaces remain clean, safe, and well-maintained, benefiting all tenants.

How are CAM charges calculated?

CAM charges are typically calculated based on a tenant’s proportionate share of the property. This means that tenants pay a percentage of the total CAM costs, often based on the square footage they occupy.

Can CAM charges increase over time?

Yes, CAM charges can increase. It’s important to review your lease agreement, as it may specify how and when these charges can change.

Can tenants negotiate CAM charges?

Tenants can sometimes negotiate CAM charges as part of their lease agreement. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what is included in CAM charges and discuss any potential negotiations with the landlord. Find a service provider who can assist with cam reconciliation services

Are CAM charges the same in all commercial properties?

No, CAM charges can vary significantly from one property to another. It depends on factors like property size, location, and the types of services and amenities provided.

How can tenants ensure transparency in CAM charges?

To ensure transparency, tenants should review their lease agreements carefully, ask for detailed CAM cost breakdowns, and keep communication open with the property management.

What is CAM reconciliation?

CAM reconciliation typically involves comparing the estimated CAM charges collected from tenants with the actual expenses incurred by the landlord for services Any discrepancies in these calculations may result in adjustments to the tenants’ CAM charges, either through refunds or additional payments, to fairly distribute the maintenance costs among all tenants in the property.


In conclusion, understanding CAM in commercial real estate is crucial for both property owners and tenants. CAM charges play a significant role in maintaining shared areas and ensuring the overall functionality and appeal of commercial property. By grasping the components of CAM charges and considering potential negotiations, you can navigate the world of commercial real estate more effectively.


If you’re looking for more information on CAM and CAM reconciliation, give our Property Management Team a call at 813-345-2662 or send an email to [email protected]

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