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How to Keep In Contact With Your Customers While Practicing Self-Isolation

As most people across America lock down into self-isolation, most businesses cannot afford to shut down. Whether you are working remotely or in an office, armed with hand sanitizer, you still need to connect with clients. The real question is how to connect with clients in the current environment. This month, we are suggesting how to connect with clients and the nature of the conversations that you should be having.

  1. Put Together A COVID-19 Plan For Your Business & Share It

Put together your official plan for dealing with the coronavirus at your business. Remember to consult CDC guidelines for how to stay safe. Once you have a concrete plan established and implemented, share the pertinent portions with your customers. Whether or not they come in to a physical location, the plan does two things.

  • It reminds customers that there are human beings behind the business that are trying to adapt to this current reality just like they are. This may grant them the patience to wait for any other answers they need.
  • It also reminds people that the business is still up and running. As some businesses temporarily close their doors, it is always good to send out a reminder that your doors are (metaphorically) open.
  1. Put Together Resources

There is a pretty good chance that your customers are just as scared or nervous as you are. Try putting together resources that may help people. As a bonus, focusing on your customers’ worries helps distract you from yours.

  1. Reach Out On The Phone

Right now everything is very digital. While email updates are useful, speaking on the phone is always comforting. Don’t try and make a sale when you reach out, people are stressed, so pushing them to buy, sell, or lease is not only inconsiderate, it will likely be a strike against you.

Think of the call as checking in with a friend. Make sure that they are okay and answer any questions that you can. Remember those resources you pulled together? Use those to connect with people. Now is the time to simply be people instead of salespeople.

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